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Article: Masonic Education: Because sitting through the minutes is not enough!

Masonic Education: Because sitting through the minutes is not enough!

The Winding Stairs Episode 2: Masonic Education
This image was created by the artist, to spark a dialog regarding Masonic Education and the importance of having the desire to, not only attend Lodge meetings, but to study. This image was created by the artist, to spark a dialog regarding Masonic Education and the importance of having the desire to, not only attend Lodge meetings, but to study.
When a man decides he wants to learn more about Freemasonry, often times it is because they see something admirable on others who are already members of the Fraternity. It often stems from the desire to grow as human beings and serve as an example for others. However, merely joining the Fraternity is not enough. It is important that a Man stays desirous of Light in order for that wish of improvement to become a reality. Therefore, it is through the conscious effort to learn and apply the tenets of Freemasonry, that a Man can thereby become the inspiration to others who have not yet joined the Craft. As we improve ourselves, through the steady pursuit of Light, we become better Men and become an integral part of the cycle of self-improvement afforded to us by Freemasonry. In This Episode of The Winding Stairs Podcast you will find:
  • Topic Update: We briefly revisit our study on Patience.
  • The introduction of a New Program Segment titled: “In The News”.
  • We will discuss various resources of Masonic Education.
  • We highlight some of your comments from the previous episode.
Are you enjoying this program? I hope you find the content of this program to be edifying; So, please let us know your opinion about this and other episodes by leaving your comments in the comments section. Your ratings and reviews on any of the audio players will be greatly appreciated and they help the show become better every time. Supplement your Masonic Education by listening to Masonic Programs We invite you to listen, in addition to this program, to a great Masonic Program titled “Whence Came You?” Hosted by Brother Robert Johnson. It includes reviews on Masonic Papers, Information on Famous Freemasons and it brings some obscure Freemason Conspiracies to light and dispels their claims. Overall it is a very edifying and entertaining program. You can find it by visiting or find him on . Patience Revisited:
A person's wisdom yields patience. This image has been of great help to me in my daily life. I have made it the background to the locked screen on my mobile phone. Reminding me to embrace patience and work to develop it.
We read what King Solomon said about the relationship between Wisdom and Patience. For this fascinating nugget of information we go to the New International Version of the Bible for Reference.

Why quote from the Bible? The Holy Bible is My Great Light, but even if it is not the same Source of Light as yours, we should recognize that it includes great truths, just like many other volumes of Sacred Law and it is prudent for us to not dismiss their Light simply because we follow a different Faith.

Proverbs 19:11 “A person’s wisdom yields patience; It is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.”
New Segment: In The News
From February 8 through July 12, 2013; The Historic Arkansas Museum will be hosting an exhibition, which will feature very valuable Masonic Artifacts. From February 8 through July 12, 2013; The Historic Arkansas Museum will be hosting an exhibition, which will feature very valuable Masonic Artifacts.
An Exhibition titled “Treasures of Arkansas Freemasonry” opens at the Historic Arkansas Museum. The exhibition was organized by the Grand Lodge of Arkansas to celebrate their 175th Anniversary from receiving their charter in 1853. The exhibition features an Exhibition of Masonic Treasures from 1838 to the present and includes artifacts like:
  • Masonic Aprons
  • Jewels
  • Gavels
  • The chair of Arkansas most famous Mason, Albert Pike
  • George Washington Family Bible
When? February 8 - July 12, 2013 For more information Link: The second news article is about an arson attempt, which was thwarted by a Brother who was in the building at the time of the intrusion.

Where? Cincinnati Lodge No. 3 in Morristown NJ
When? February 8th 2013 around 10:30 pm
A man broke through the front doors of the Lodge carrying jugs full of gasoline.
A Lodge caretaker happened to be inside the Lodge at the time and managed to wrestle and restrain the man until the police came to arrest him. The brother sustained minor injuries and the Lodge’s only reported damaged was as a result of the combustible that was spilled in the ordeal. Help us keep the program growing When you place an order through the Marketplace section of The Winding Stairs website, you are directly supporting the growth of this program. Your purchases helps us reach more people and spread the Light further. Also, sharing with others, what you find on our website, helps us in our efforts to share Masonic Light with a broader audience in a contemporary way. Main Topic: Masonic Education
This image was created by the artist, to spark a dialog regarding Masonic Education and the importance of having the desire to, not only attend Lodge meetings, but to study. This image was created by the artist, to spark a dialog regarding Masonic Education and the importance of having the desire to, not only attend Lodge meetings, but to study.

We discuss two forms of Masonic Education: Structured and Organic. I define one as the specific set of educational materials that are provided to Masons by their respective Lodges and Grand Lodges. These include: Masonic Leadership Training, Master Mason Examination, etc.

Another form of Masonic Education is what I call Organic Education. It is formed from a Brother’s curiosity and determination to grow as a Man and Mason. This is achieved through their personal research to increase their Masonic knowledge. It also included fellowship. In Closing, we want to thank all of the Brothers who participated in answering the Question of the Week last week. Your involvement makes this project a lot more interesting and effective in fomenting Fellowship and Masonic Education. This program will continue to improve with your support. After listening to the program or reading this entry, please take just a few minutes to rate and review our program on whichever audio platform you are using. iTunes, Stitcher, Miro, etc. You can also write to us through the Contact Us section of Today’s Question of the Week
What is your favorite Masonic Education Resource and what are you doing to stay informed about what is happening in the world of Freemasonry?
Please add your comments below or through any of our communication channels.

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