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Article: Freemasonry in Hollywood: Part 2

Freemasonry in Hollywood: Part 2

Freemasonry in Hollywood: Part 2

The Freemason Movie

We have seen Freemasonry portrayed in film before, in movies like National Treasure and Dan Brown's Angels & Demons. But now, a new film by a fellow Freemason brings freemasonry to the spotlight in an exciting suspense film called The Freemason.

This is part 2 of a 2 part interview (part 1) with a prolific entrepreneur, who will surely inspire you to reach out for your dreams, regardless of how impossible they might seem.We continue our conversation with the executive producer of The Freemason Movie.

In this portion of the interview, we talk more in depth about the three films that Joseph James has created in the relatively short, yet prolific filmmaking career. You will listen to Bro. James' experience working with the celebrated actor Sean Astin, who worked on such films as The Lord of the Rings, Rudy and Goonies.

We explore the virtue of Resourcefulness, which can take us from where we are to where we want to be. When we are not held back by what we lack, but instead move forward appreciating and wisely utilizing what we do have.

You can learn more about The Freemason Movie by visiting its website , visit Joseph James Pages on Facebook and Follow him on Twitter @JosephJamesNews

Here is the official preview of the movie.

If you missed part 1 of this interview, you can listen to it here. If you don't want to miss future episodes of The Winding Stairs, make sure you sign up for our email updates to be among the first notified when new episodes and posts are published. Bonus: When you sign up for our newsletter, you also receive a FREE COPY of our book "Masonic Light Resource Report" Sign up here.

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Also on this episode:

Masonic Conspiracies

Masonic Conspiracies

by Bro:. Robert Johnson

Enjoy another installment of our popular segment Masonic Conspiracies, brought to you by Brother Robert Johnson. Brother Johnson is the producer of the Masonic Podcast "Whence Came You?" and is the Managing Editor of "The Midnight Freemasons".

You can also follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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