TWS Masonic Blog

The symbol of the hourglass in Freemasonry
The hourglass is a powerful symbol in Freemasonry, representing the fleeting nature of time and the importance of living a productive and meaningful life. The hourglass is often depicted with...
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As above so below. As within so without.
Freemasonry and the Hermetic principle of correspondence The hermetic principle of correspondence is a principle that states that there is a connection or correspondence between the microcosm and ...
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Unlocking Independence | The Inspiration Behind the Artwork
"Unlocking Independence" by Bro. Juan Sepulveda Over the past few years, The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania has organized an art contest titled "Embodying Masonic Values". Ever since I found out abou...
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An Attitude of Gratitude | Happy Thanksgiving Day
An Attitude of Gratitude Imagine this: You are approaching the door of a business and notice that someone is walking in close proximity behind you. You recognize that they are going to enter the es...
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It's your Temple, keep it well...
I have two little children and whenever we go to our favorite supermarket, we have a ritual that we practice almost every time. If I forget about it, the children will certainly remind me. At Publ...
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When was the last time that you went to Lodge? Why should we even meet after receiving the Degrees? Here is an eloquent explanation of the importance of attending Lodge meetings and making yourself...
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New Year Revolution: Rethinking The New Year's Resolutions.
Imagine traveling through space at 67,000 miles per hour. That is how fast this pale blue dot is traveling through space, making its yearly orbit around the sun. We all get very excited about the ...
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Here is my Christmas Confession...
Merry Christmas and a Happy Improved Year! I must begin by wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas (or belated Happy Hanukkah). Particularly in this season, we hear about the importance...
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Freemasonry in Hollywood: Part 2
We have seen Freemasonry portrayed in film before, in movies like National Treasure and Dan Brown's Angels & Demons. But now, a new film by a fellow Freemason brings freemasonry to the spotlig...
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Enter the secret world of the Freemasons
The Grand Lodge of The State of New York Free and Accepted Masons, opened its doors to the producers and reporters of the popular television program CBS Sunday Morning. Peek behind the veil of this...
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