As above so below. As within so without.
Freemasonry and the Hermetic principle of correspondence
The hermetic principle of correspondence is a principle that states that there is a connection or correspondence between the microcosm and the macrocosm, or between the smaller and the larger scales of the universe. This principle is based on the idea that the universe is a single, interconnected whole, and that the same laws and principles that govern the larger universe also apply to the smaller parts of it.
This principle has been a fundamental part of hermetic philosophy and mysticism for thousands of years. It is found in many ancient texts, including the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, an ancient text that is believed to contain the secrets of alchemy and the universe. The principle is also mentioned in the Bible, in the book of Isaiah, where it states that "as above, so below."
Freemasonry, a fraternal organization that originated in the Middle Ages, has also embraced this principle. Freemasonry is built on the idea of a universal brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God, and the belief that all people are connected and should strive to help one another. The principle of correspondence is a key part of this belief, and is seen as a way to understand the connections between people and the universe.

The ink drawing titled "Unlocking Divinity" was created by Bro. Juan Sepulveda, inspired by his research and writings about the Hermetic principle of correspondence. It was created to accompany his lecture titled "Correspondence with the Divine". Add a print of this Masonic artwork to your collection.
Among the various interpretations of the symbol of the square and compass, we find that it alludes to the principle of correspondence, in the sense that the square represents the material world, and the compass represents the spiritual world. The square teaches us to square our actions and act virtuously.[2] The Compass is used to draw the point within the circle, which alludes to our ability to keep our passions within due bounds. However, it also alludes to the connection between the terrestrial and the celestial. In his masterwork Morals and Dogma [6], Albert Pike describes the symbolism of the Square and Compass this way. “The Square is a right angle, formed by two right lines. It is adapted only to a plane surface, and belongs only to geometry, earth measurement… The compass describes circles, and deals with spherical trigonometry, the science of the spheres and heavens. The former, therefore, is an emblem of what concerns the earth and the body; the latter of what concerns the heavens and the soul.” Together, the square and compass symbolize the idea that the two worlds, the terrestrial and the celestial, are connected and that the same laws and principles govern both.
The principle of correspondence is also reflected in the two brazen pillars that adorned the porch of King Solomon’s temple and that today form an indispensable part of a Masonic Lodge decoration. Those pillars, being crowned with the terrestrial and celestial globes respectively, remind us of our connection or correspondence with The Divine.
In addition to its connection to Freemasonry, the principle of correspondence has also been influential in other areas of philosophy and spirituality. It has been embraced by many other spiritual traditions, including Theosophy [5] and Kabbalah.
Overall, the hermetic principle of correspondence is a powerful and enduring idea that has been a cornerstone of hermetic philosophy and mysticism for thousands of years. It is a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things, and the idea that the same laws and principles apply to the universe as a whole, as well as to the individual parts of it. In Freemasonry, it is seen as a fundamental part of the belief in a universal brotherhood of man, under the fatherhood of the Great Architect of the Universe.
Authors: Juan Sepulveda - Manus Occulta
The ink drawing titled "Unlocking Divinity" was created by Bro. Juan Sepulveda, inspired by his research and writings about the Hermetic principle of correspondence. It was created to accompany his lecture titled "Correspondence with the Divine". Add a print of this Masonic artwork to your collection.
Article Sources:
“The Holy Saints’ Johns”, Grand Lodge of Ohio. https://www.freemason.com/holy-saints-john/
“Origins of the Square and Compasses”, Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, April 5, 2019. https://scottishritenmj.org/blog/the-origins-of-the-square-and-compasses
“Point within a circle”, Masonic Lodge of Education, https://www.masonic-lodge-of-education.com/point-within-a-circle.html
Stewart, Greg. “Masonic symbolism of the compasses”, August 1, 2022. Freemason Information. https://freemasoninformation.com/sojourners/masonic-symbolism-of-the-compass/
“Hermeticism.” Theosophy World, https://www.theosophy.world/encyclopedia/hermeticism. Accessed 9 December 2022.
DeHoyos, Art, and Albert Pike. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry: Annotated Edition - Cloth Bound. Supreme Council, The/Thirty Three Degrees, 2011.
About the author:
Bro: Juan Sepulveda is a professional artist and award-winning public speaker, whose main topics of interest include the practical application of the teachings of Freemasonry and the development of men into gentlemen. Bro: Sepulveda is the host of The Winding Stairs Freemasonry Podcast and Co-founder of The Masonic Roundtable. He is a member of Orange Blossom Lodge No. 80 in Kissimmee, Florida and Tranquility Lodge No. 2000 in Waco, Texas. Member of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, S.J. Orient of Florida, Valley of Orlando. Eureka Chapter No. 7 R.A.M., Orlando Council No. 5 R.&S.M., Olivet Commandery No. 7 K.T., and Member of the Florida College of S.R.I.C.F.
Juan Sepúlveda is the founder of The Gentlemen’s Brotherhood, a company dedicated to inspiring men to become the best possible version of themselves. For over a decade, he has been using his words and his paint brushes to share stories that can inspire people to live a life worth emulating. As an award-winning speaker, Juan Sepúlveda is regularly invited by organizations to speak about personal development, manners, civility, relationship-building, and inspiring leadership.
In 2014, as a result of his efforts to help good men become even greater men, The Governor of Kentucky, Steven L. Beshear, decorated Juan Sepúlveda as a Kentucky Colonel, the highest title of honor bestowed upon a civilian by the State of Kentucky. Today, Juan Sepúlveda lives with his wife and two sons in Kissimmee, Florida, where he continues to follow his dream of having a positive impact on others through his voice and his brush.--
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