Is Reading a Waste of Time?
5 Reasons why reading is not a waste of time
Have you ever thought about reading a book and instead chosen to work on something else? or Have you ever felt the desire to just lay back on your favorite couch with a book on your hands, but changed your mind after thinking that it would be a waste of time? Think again!
Reason #1
Reading Reduces Stress.
We are used to a fast paced lifestyle with many different things trying to get our attention. It is a healthy practice to take a few minutes or hours in a day to relax and read. Doing this can quiet all the noise that we have in our heads and helps us focus better and reduce our level of stress. Why is it so important that we reduce our level of stress? Because although stress is a mental response to stimulus, it can have a detrimental physiological effect. According to the Mayo Clinic, some of the effects of stress in our body include:- Anxiety
- Sleeping disorders
- irritability
- anger
- social withdrawal
Reason #2
Reading Improves Memory.
Especially when you read right before bed. According to a study conducted by the University of Notre Dame and headed by Psychologist Jessica Payne on March of 2012. Recollection and accuracy were improved when the subjects of the study read or studied right before going to bed in contrast to their counterparts who read at the beginning of their day. This means that there is a marked benefit derived from spending a little time with a book, just before going to sleep. Another way in which memory is improved is by acting as stimulating brain activity. Similarly to playing board games or doing crossword puzzles, reading may reduce memory loss due to aging, according to a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine from 2003.Reason #3
Increase your Knowledge.
By reading every day, you also increase your knowledge and consequently become a more engaged conversationalist. Imagin the great benefits that can arise out of spending some time reading and learning new things. Things, which in turn become links which solidify your relationships and make you a more effective contributor to the education of future generations and of Masons who are initiated after you. You become a source of knowledge for the Craft.Reason #4
Become more creative.